Step-by-step instructions will be provided on the tutorial pages. We hope they are written so that even beginners to Paint Shop Pro and the vector-phobic *G* can follow along! But, before we start drawing the toons, we'll need to discuss the tools used to draw vector objects and some terminology that may be new to you!
Raster: There are basically 2 ways to create digital drawings....raster and vector. The type of digital drawing you're probably most familiar with is referred to as raster, which are images made by combining pixels. Photos are raster images.
Vector: Vector objects are created in a different manner using coordinates. Embedded in each vector object are a set of properties which are used as instructions for drawing the object. These instructions are interpreted by the software to create the position, shape and color of the object. Each vector object is an independent element which can be moved around without effecting the rest of the image. That means that we can re-size, rotate, distort and edit vector objects in a number of ways without getting all 'pixilated' or losing line quality.
All the EggToon tutorials will be written for those that consider themselves newbies and beginners to vector drawing! So, we must begin at the beginning and review the Paint Shop Pro tools that are used in the creation of a vector drawing. With these tools we can size, shape, or rotate vector objects. Read more
Before we start drawing any shapes with Paint Shop Pro, we need to review some terminology that may be new to you if you are just beginning with vector drawing! Read more
In addition to Node Type, there's many other editing choices available when creating with vectors. There's familiar choices such as Undo, Copy, Paste, Delete, Select All and Select None. There's also a few choices that are unique to vector drawing. Read more
All the EggToon cartoon characters will be built using Paint Shop Pro Preset Shapes. We'll start with the basic 'egg' shape and add other Preset Shapes as needed. You may already have an egg shape in your Preset Shapes folder, but possibly not. This tutorial will show you how to make your own custom shape and add it to 'Preset Shapes' for use over and over again to create some EggToon characters. Read more