Monday, August 9, 2010

The Vector Edit Menu

There's just a little bit more preliminary stuff to discuss before we can actually start doing something with the Paint Shop Pro vectors tools! ;-)  

In addition to Node Type, there's many other editing choices available when creating with vectors. There's familiar choices such as Undo, Copy, Paste, Delete, Select All and Select None. There's also a few choices that are unique to vector drawing. You'll learn how to use these as we go along...but the following notes will help take the mystery out of another bunch of new terminology.

BREAK: You can break apart a line (contour) at a node. When you use BREAK, the selected node is converted into 2 nodes and the line segment is 'broken' into 2 lines.

JOIN: You can join the start point or end point node of one line (contour) with the start or end point nodes of another to form one continuous line (contour). To join the nodes, press Control key while dragging one node over the other. When the two overlap, the word 'Join' appears. Release the mouse button.

CLOSE: Closing a contour adds a NEW line segment that connects the start point and end point of the selected nodes. (JOIN does not add a line segment).

MERGE: Merging a node removes it and merges the two line segments that were on either side of it into one continuous line. This is handy when you find you have many more nodes than you actually need!! (Too many nodes is not good.)  You can merge one or more nodes along a contour (line). If you merge every node along a contour, it will delete that contour.

DELETE: Deleting a node removes the node and removes the two line segments (one on each side).

REVERSE CONTOUR AND REVERSE PATH: These will reverse direction of the start and end point. Used a lot for creating text that follows a curve.

There are many other options in the various dialog boxes that appear when editing vectors, two of the handiest ones are:

GROUP & UNGROUP: You may 'Group' different vector objects in your drawing in order to keep them together without merging them.  When grouped, objects may be moved about in unison. You must 'UnGroup', however, in order to edit each individual object.

PROPERTIES: In the Vector Properties box you can easily change all kinds of things...all in one place! Layer name, line & fill color or pattern, textures, line style, etc. 

We've gone over the purpose of  the tools and the meaning of some new words, so, next time we meet, we can get started drawing our toons!!

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